Still Stuck With The Same Symptoms?
At Spire Holistic Health Dr. Sarah Noseworthy helps her patients experience enduring quality of life through personalized wellness plans.

Modern Natural Health
By blending modern lab work with researched natural healing methods used for centuries, we can personalize your care to your body.

No-obligation New Patient Consultations
The relationship to your provider is key to breaking free of chronic symptoms. Schedule a free consultation to tell her your story.

Comprehensive Care Plans
Your time is valuable. That’s why we have chosen to offer as much quality care as possible in one place at our clinic.
Level Up Your Health. Scroll Down Your Path.
Spire Holistic Health was founded seven years ago to provide affordable healthcare solutions for patients that feel stuck.

Look For Stress Points
The first step to recovery starts with an investigation. During this phase, we evaluate how you respond to stress and how that causes symptoms. Physical, chemical and emotional stress impairs your ability to recover quickly in the relief phase of care. The more barriers we overcome, the better our chances of you getting a good outcome.

Expedite Relief
We understand that you want to get out of pain and get rid of your symptoms as quickly as possible. Chronic inflammation leads to unwanted symptoms. By decreasing inflammation, we see faster reduction of pain and other symptoms.

Vitality Care
We focus on stabilizing the changes you got during relief care. We focus your body’s form or posture, how you function and move and what you use to fuel your body. This helps prevent symptoms from returning.

Enhance your Health
By this point, you generally feel great most of the time. This enables us to focus on proactive healthcare. We support your immune and neuroendocrine system to promote cancer prevention, graceful aging and good mood.

Live Fully
We have found that when people aren’t actively improving their health, pain and symptoms gradually return. We don’t wish this for anyone. That’s why we created a supportive care program balance your internal and external environment and help you handle the curveballs of life with ease.

“Finding wellness is a journey. There are twists and turns, ups and downs, and discoveries along the way.”

Meet Dr. Sarah Noseworthy
Your partner in your wellness journey
Dr. Sarah’s treatment philosophy comes from her own life experiences. In her early years, she had a rocky health history, filled with tests, doctors, and frustrations that told her the symptoms she experienced were all in her head. She felt nauseous almost every morning, and she missed about a third of middle school feeling ill. Finally, in her mid-twenties, after ten years of frustration, she discovered that she had food sensitivities.
In her journey to find solutions, she researched many types of medicine, but when she discovered Naturopathic Medicine and Acupuncture, they changed her life. That’s why she practices differently from other doctors. She studied a system of medicine focused on reducing the impact of underlying stresses that cause symptoms to occur - one which supports your body’s ability to heal.
Dr. Sarah Noseworthy is an Oregon-licensed, Board Certified Naturopathic Physician and Acupuncturist. She created Spire Holistic Health with the belief that unmanaged chronic stress is the underlying reason for most health symptoms to occur. Chronic stress disrupts the neuroendocrine system and leads to break down. Stressors in your environment, combined with vulnerabilities in your body, shift your body’s protective ability into something more destructive. When that happens, your body needs additional support to get back on track. Dr. Sarah is proud to be that additional support and guide in her patient’s journey of wellness.
Each person responds to stress differently and deserves individualized care to accomplish health goals. This personal approach allows Dr. Sarah to help people with a wide variety of needs including addressing acute and chronic pain, overcoming long-term hormone imbalance, improving mood and energy, and supporting overall wellness.
Patient Testimonials
Dr. Sarah loves her patients. And, they love her back!
Dr. Sarah is wonderful.
She is compassionate, empathetic, and has an amazing listening ear. She really does care about the whole self! I was so nervous to try acupuncture because nothing else was working for my headaches. I'm so glad I did. From the first time on the table, I started to notice a difference. Between the acupuncture and the supplements, my headaches are getting far less severe and a lot less of them! I'm so glad I finally went into her. Wishing my "last resort" was my first one!
Patient name withheld for privacy.
Increased the quality of my life.
The value of having a doctor that truly cares and doesn't brush off your feelings and symptoms is priceless. I had previously been to specialists that failed to provide me with the quality care that I have received from Spire Holistic. I went from feeling constantly nauseous, fatigued, and in pain to having almost no symptoms at all. My life has been forever changed. A huge thank you to Dr. Sarah Noseworthy ❤
Patient name withheld for privacy.
All my chronic issues gone.
I started seeing Dr. Sarah a couple of years ago when I dislocated my knee. Not only did she help me resolve my knee issue quickly, but we then moved on to get rid of my migraines, and other chronic issues. When I was in a car accident 3 months ago, Dr. Sarah helped me with my spinal injuries and got me on some awesome supplements that helped to mitigate my concussion symptoms. Thank you, Dr. Sarah, for all that you have done for me!
Patient name withheld for privacy.